children n education

Journey to Consciousness ! (Atma Yatra)

I can’t see it, touch, smell or hear
Hasnt been born, doesnt even die
Cant be cut wet dried or destroyed
Have so questions starting with whyIt is beyond space so is everywhere
Its is eternal so beyond time n change
Its even beyond words so indescribable
How to describe this phenomenon strangeExperts define it by whats its not
Its the mud not the mud pot
Its neither the body, nor emotions
Its not our intellect too, source of thoughtIts nature is sat real means ever present
Its chit consciousness means truly aware
Its is anand bliss being ever happy
Thats the way it was, is and will beIts the energy not the switch or appliance
Its the sun not the reflection on the pale
Its the cotton not the thread or bedsheet
Metaphors help when experiences failFew seconds more fulfilling than the day
Few years with it better than the whole life
When the reward is so unique and special
Worthwhile seems the worldly strifePaths to it are many but the goal is the same
Bhakti, gyaan, karma or hatha are the name
You may reach in this or carried to the next
Keep walking, as the spirit brand suggestsJust as you approach the sun it gets warmer
So should you become calmer and happier
World doesn’t change but only your capacity
Challenges become sharpening opportunityFaith is your passport
Persistence is your ticket
Satsanga is the forex currency
Wishing you a happy journey

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