children n education

Project Rainbow

One possible reason why most humans are optimistic by nature is that all epics, movies and novels say that eventually the good wins over the bad. At its peak the bad seems all powerful all pervading but we know in the end everything will be fine. And if it’s not fine, it’s not the end . This story can also be told through a series of unique pictures people I know including myself took over last week. I call it Project Rainbow.

Life was normal. A piece of beauty which we didn’t have time to stop by and appreciate . Neither the start of it nor the end of it. Everything was taken granted.

Human greed and apathy started making the dark forces powerful. We were so habituated that we simply watched life slip into the clutches of darkness.

Now humans looked helpless. The night became stronger. It seemed eternal. Thunder and Lightning were its 2 generals which arose fear in mind of all humans.

Lighting ruled the skies. Couple of nights it did its victory parade with such pomp and show that humans tucked sheepishly in the homes , praying for Good to be back. They missed it. A sincere prayer is all that He seeks.

He sent His messenger Rainbow, a symbol of hope to fight the forces of Lightning and Thunder. A fierce battle was fought on April 23, 2020

Eventually the Good won over the bad and ruled the skies. The clouds saluted like prancing horses. The sun gave the spotlight. Humans gasped and clapped in wonder. They were finally relieved.

Have we learnt our lessons. Enjoy the miracle each day. Control your greed. Replace apathy with empathy towards plants , animals and other humans. Extend it to trees and rivers too. Life is beautiful. Appreciate it. Daily.



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